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John Lewis
March 2024

We hosted a week long Pop-up at John Lewis Chelmsford and it was amazing! Selling our best-seller posters and canvases!

Shopping in Mall
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Barclays Black History Month Exhibition 
At Canary Wharf, October 2023

An incredible evening where 3 Black Female Artists were chosen to display their iconic artwork. Amongst them we told our TW Founder story to a crowd of attendees.

Business Fair at
Deloitte HQ

November 2023

We were invited to showcase the TW business and sell our paintings and posters at Deloitte's annual business fair.


Warwick University
Founder Spotlight

 July 2023

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Art Gallery

Now in Store

We will be updating you on our updated stockist locations very soon where you can get our TW art in store.

TW Solo Exhibition

December 1st, 2022


A private exhibition of TW artwork has been hosted at a Barclays with so many guests in attendance. Drinks, Canapés and Networking provided. 

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Art Gallery

TW at Google, Exhibition

In October 2022, Google requested TW artwork to be exhibited exclusively in the London office, a night of performances were also given. The striking piece is titled: Behold and it has made such an impact!

Modern City

TW at BMG's Showcase

In October 2022, this new art piece titled Red Rhythm was debuted at BMG, the global music label company. The canvas is large and is a limited edition piece, a real jaw dropper in any space. 


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